Welcome to Our Library
We at the Aishabai College of Education Library are dedicated to offering a warm and stimulating setting for education, study, and recreation. You can explore a wide range of books, digital resources, and interesting activities for teachers at our library, which is a knowledge hub.
The College Library is the hub of the institution and has long been involved in the process of education and instruction. The library is a knowledge repository that supports teaching and research initiatives, knowledge and idea conservation, and educational goals. Through the processes of information collection, processing, retrieval, and user provision, our college library carries out a number of tasks. In addition, the library provides text books, reference books, periodicals, journals, and e-resources covering all academic areas to the professors and students.
Library Services
- Borrowing: Libraries typically allow you to borrow books, magazines, and other materials for a specific period.
- Referral Service: Users are guided to the sources where they can find the desired information if the needed information is not present in the library.
- Digital Resources: Access to e-books, e-journals
- Educational Programs: Workshops, classes, and events for all ages.
- Current Awareness Services: The service known as current awareness service maintains its users well-informed and updated with current literature of their primary interest.
- Selective Dissemination of Information Services: Selective distribution of information offers users at the individual level a selection of topics based on their preferences.
- Literature Search Service: When users are interested in learning everything.
- Bibliographic Services: Literature review or a reading list on a specific subject or topic.
User Services
- Library Orientation
- Online access facilities
- Online Public Access Catalogue
- Special Collections: Rare books, archives and CDs.
- Reading Areas: Quiet spaces for reading and study.
- Shelving and Stacks: Organized shelves for physical materials.
- Seating: Comfortable chairs and tables for study.
- Periodicals Section
- Newspapers
Library Resources
Open Access E-Resources
Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)
Newspaper / Bulletin
Library Collection
- Total No Of Book: 5461
- No. of Charts: 342
- Geometry Box: 11
- Newspaper: 5
- Magazine: 1

Library Rules & Regulations
The Library provides a range of services and facilities, which include:
- Observe complete silence in the College/ Library.
- Discussions / Conversation of any kind shall not be permitted.
- ID Card is Mandatory.
- No Book will be issued without a Valid Reader’s Ticket, Ticket provided to her.
- 2 Books at a time will be issued for 7 Days.
- Each Student will be submitting their Library Card against which books will be issued.
- On Receiving a Book / Non Book Material from the library a student has to examine it for any kind of damage, such damage should be immediately brought to the notice of the Librarian. Failure to do so may entail her being held responsible for any damage detected later.
- Book / Non Book Materials lost, damage or defected must be paid for by the student in whose name they have been issued.
- The Librarian shall assess the value.
- Marking with Ink or Pencil or Writing on the Library Book / Non Book Material or Defacing the Book / Non Book Material will be treated as Breach of Library Rules.
- Books / Non Book Material cannot be taken out of the Library unless issued for home reading.
- Student should return a Book / Non Book issued to her for home reading within 7 days. In case of late return, a student will have to pay fine the rate of Rs. 5/- per day for the next week & Rs. 7/- per day afterwards.
- Newspapers and new periodicals are not allowed to be taken outside of the library.
- There is library access period every day in your time table, make maximum use of the library resources.
- Grab the opportunity to be the ‘Best library user’ award.
- The Librarian reserves the right to recall any book at anytime.
- Use of Mobile Phone is strictly restricted.
- Chairs should be kept in proper order.
- Ex-Student or outsiders must take special permission from the principal for usage of library.
- Regarding all other matter concerning the Library decision of Principle will be Final.