Aishabai College of Education

Fazlani Aishabai and Haji Abdul Latif Charitable Trust's

Aishabai College of Education

NAAC Accredited B++ Grade (First Cycle)

Affiliated to the S.N.D.T. Women’s University, Mumbai

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Rules & Regulations

Rules & Regulations (General)

  1. Every student teacher must follow courteous behavior, an essential ingredient of professional competence.
  2. Always practice self-discipline and sincerity
  3. Promote the concept of ‘Dignity of Labor’ and Maintain discipline, cleanliness in the college premises.
  4. Wear the ID cards while on campus; Have simple and decent dress code
  5. Be regular and punctual; Read the notice board every day
  6. Keep mobile phones switched off during class hours unless permitted for class work by the concerned lecturer.
  7. Seek prior appointment for lesson guidance from concerned
  8. Submit application for Railway concession/scholarship/freeship on time.
  9. Not be habitually negligent of college work.100% attendance is compulsory.
  10. Bring any grievance and personal problems to the notice of the assigned mentor of the College authority.
  11. Not engage in political activity in any form, under any banner in the college
  12. Use college property with care. Pasting of posters and notices on walls or disfiguring the building, in any form are punishable.

Rules for Internship/ Practice teaching

  1. Student teacher must remain present 10 minutes before the school time and should remain present in the school up to last  lesson
  2. Establish cordial relationships with students, teachers & executives of the school. Discuss about feedback of your lesson with observer.
  3. Student teacher must remain present to all the lessons and take part in all the activities & discussion during the practice teaching program with peers and observer.
  4. Cancellation of the lessons should be reported to the concerned faculty in charge of the school(unavoidable circumstances only)
  5. Fill up the proforma of absence for the lessons
  6. Internship of 16 weeks in S.Y. is obligatory for all the student teachers.
  7. All the activities and Report of these activities should be completed during the internship program.
  8. Any kind of leave will not be granted during the internship program.
  9. Strictly follow the rules and regulations of the school during the internship program.

Rules for Internal Assessment

  1. Internal Assessment for different subjects/methods will be different.
  2. All the internal work is compulsory. Students will not be allowed to appear for the final examination unless she completes and submits internal work to the concerned teacher.
  3. IT Lab.-attendance is compulsory
  4. All students should preserve their internal practical work assignments till declaration of B.Ed. Result.

Rules for examination

  1. Student teacher who has not completed successfully internal assessment will not be allowed to appear for semester examination.
  2. Student teacher having less than 80% attendance in any course will not be eligible for appearing for examination of the course. The principal of the college will however have discretion to condone absence up to 10% in year, for reasons to be recorded in writing or on submission of medical certificate. There are no marks for the attendance.

Rules for Re-appearing in Examination

  1. Student teachers who do not pass examination of a particular course/s in three attempts will have to re-enroll for the entire program.
  2. Student teacher has to complete B.Ed. degree in three years. For instance, a student enrolling for a two year B.Ed. program in 2015-17 will have to complete the program by 2018-19.
  3. When the syllabus changes, question papers of old syllabus will be set for the four times along with the question paper for new syllabus.If a student is unable to complete the B.Ed. program within two years after the first examination when syllabus is changed, she will have to appear for examination of the new course.

Completion of Internal Work

  1. Completion of all items of internal practical work to be completed by each student as prescribed in the syllabus.
  2. In case the student is sanctioned absence on medical ground, she has to complete the items of internal work that she may have missed during her absence as may be re-arranged by the college in the same semester.
  3. The principal shall send the internal assessment marks to the C.O.E. of the University before commencement of the examination.

Rules for Passing

To pass the examination a candidate must obtain at least 40% marks in each head (i.e. each theory course and each item of practical work). To pass the whole examination a candidate must pass Theory and Practical separately and also in each head of theory and of practical work.


Facilities for verification of marks, obtaining photocopy of answer sheet and reevaluation of answer scripts are available on payment of prescribed fees..

Rules for promotion

Students will be automatically promoted from semester I to semester II and semester III to semester IV. Students having 40% or more than 40% backlog (failure/absenteeism without valid reason in four or more than four courses) in the first year (semester I + Semester II) will not be allowed to take admission in Semester III.


The candidates who have obtained minimum 40% or more marks in any heads of passing but failed in the examination shall be eligible to claim exemption in such head/heads. Candidates claiming exemption will not be eligible for first class with Distinction and Position in the merit list.

Scheme of Evaluation

The performance of the learner shall be evaluated as internal work and external work.

  1. Internal assessment will be done with marks by way of continuous evaluation of the course areas as envisaged in the credit based system by way of participation of learners in various practical works in the B.Ed. program.
  2. Semester end assessment will be done with marks by way of assessing the performance of the learner in theory/written examination.

Documents required for B.Ed. Admission process

  • SSC Mark sheet
  • HSC Mark sheet
  • Graduation all 6 semester mark sheet and Conversion certificate. If post Graduation than 4 semester mark sheet of Post graduation or Conversion certificate
  • CET Hall Ticket
  • CET Score card
  • Aadhar Copy
  • CET Application form
  • Leaving certificate/Birth Certificate/ Domicile
  • Three Passport size photo

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